The core element of Aquadea and its products is the high-performance vortex chamber, which was specially developed for the needs of agriculture. It forms the heart of our products and is the reason for their effectiveness and the resulting benefits for you.
Their special geometry according to the golden ratio and the Fibonacci spiral, together with the materials used and the highest manufacturing precision, form the secret of their effectiveness. We use the intelligence and the geometric and material forces of nature for the benefit of humans, animals and plants. On this basis, we succeed in restoring water to its original power and vitality.
If we take a look inside the vortex chamber, we can observe the following process. The crystal vortex chambers convert the pressure prevailing in the water pipe into suction. This creates two primary vortices at the beginning, which accelerate each other and become narrower and narrower as they move upwards. They meet at maximum speed at their zero point. There, the concentrated H2O molecules (clusters) separate into finely structured, highly ordered clusters and even individual molecules.
The tornado created by the reversal of the first vortex flows faster than the following water. This creates a vacuum, an implosion. Either air or water is sucked into this vacuum. The water thus gains (vital) force and dynamism. The finely clustered water contains a large number of individual, unconnected H2O molecules that rotate in the form of micro- and nano vortexes. Hexagonal structures are created. The oxygen content of the water is also significantly increased and the water becomes much more cell-permeable.
Attention: not all Aquadea nozzles have a ruby outlet. Images are similar. Aquadea uses different geometries in the vortex nozzles depending on the application.